BRKFST Dance Company

↓ synopsis

2019 ⁞ the cowles center ⁞ MPLS, MN

How does paper (or the written words upon it) define us or confine our existence? In this heightened political arena, in which documentation of our citizenry means higher stakes for our livelihoods, it seems there is no way to be American without kept receipts, bills, and correspondence. Can we exist or have an easeful life without the proof of identification? Alternatively, the art, design, and creative nature that paper facilitates, aid in the enrichment of our lives.

↓ credits

Choreography & Dance by BRKFST Dance Company members: Renée Copeland, Joseph Tran, Lisa Berman, Travis Johnson, Cheng Xiong & Wealthy Phonseya

Lighting Design: Mark Ruark

Costume Design: Aeysha Kinnunen

Sound Design: Renée Copeland & Tom Woodling

Run Time: 25 minutes